God Says, Grieve With Grace…
“I wrote this short song to honor my beloved wife, Janice Mary Haas who died from brain cancer on January 9, 2022. As you listen to the words against the haunting melody, you will feel God say to you, “It’s time to Grieve With Grace.”
Jan’s Song is a prayer for healing… for a life after grief… to love and be loved again. Please click play, listen while you consider our offer to help you move from anger, denial, and depression to the life you love.” ~ Eric Richard Haas, Devoted Husband, Patriarch, and Author x28
Want to Feel Truly Alive Again… to Move Beyond Grief to a Life of Peace, Happiness & Grace?
We Have a Completely Different Way to Help You Find Your Best Life Now.
Please Don’t Let Grief Rob You of the Person You are Meant to Be.
Join Now. Your Life-Changing Membership is Free of Any Charge.

Please Join Our Mission…
• If you have recently experienced a heart-crushing loss…
• If you are in Pre-Grief, watching your loved one die before your very eyes…
• If you are sick and tired of drowning in a sea of tears…
• If you are sad, angry, depressed, discouraged…
• And tired of being told that your grief will last forever…
• If you want to love and be loved again…
• To put your life back on the right track…
Our mission is to help everyone suffering a significant loss see that there is an alternative to grieving.
Experts will tell you grief lasts forever, and in time, the numbness you now feel will fade into just sameness. Acceptance of our loss is all we can expect.
This is not true.
Yes, we must mourn, but we must quickly build a bridge of GRACE across our cascading river of tears. If we don’t, we will be forever imprisoned in the valley of dread where heartbroken souls go to suffer until they are called home.
We must move beyond mere ACCEPTANCE to a higher State of Grace.
My story is your story… and how our story ends is a matter of Grace. My friend, Dr. Phil lost his son Adam to suicide. You may want to hear what this man of God—a doctor who treated over 100,000 patients over the years—and gives you his honest advice for quickly moving from grief and despair to a life of pure Grace… “a new and improved way to face your loss…” We invite you to listen to his story below. It is tragic but full of hope and explains our program very well.