About Grief With Grace

About GrieveWithGrace

Eric Richard Haas (E. R.) is a successful Serial Entrepreneur having built 22 companies, the oldest of which just celebrated it’s 52nd anniversary. He is currently CEO of the TQ Smart family of products— the world’s leading producer of virtual training programs exclusively focused on the intentional pursuit of excellence.

He, together with his business partner, Kent Madson, have written many books on exceptional personal performance and God-centric success, including such titles as Success On Purpose (the follow on to Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life), The Believer’s Guide to Spirit-Led Success, God’s Promise ~ Your Plan, Marriage With Purpose, Full Spectrum Career Power, The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence, The Excellence Habit, and the Anatomy of The Achievable Goal.

The impetus for this book, Grieve With Grace, was a spiritual look into the mirror following Haas’ co-creation of Investing With Grace: Beyond Money ~ Legendary Wealth. As an author of this remarkable new financial training regimen, Haas firmly believes that only by increasing our State of Grace will we ever be able to turn our time, treasure, and talent into Legendary Wealth — to be the change the world needs us to be now.

Haas is the Patriarch of a large and growing family. Following the loss of his incredible wife of 30 years, he is now devoting his life to philanthropy and will continue to reside in Palm Springs, California.

Please Join our Initiative to turn Grief into Grace

In our world, the light always conquers the dark. Positives always replace negatives. It is the natural order of things.

Our bridge of Grace over the river of tears and grief is not hard to build.

For many, Gratitude, Resilience, Authenticity, Creativity, and Empathy are natural to them. Those hurting souls just need to remember to move in the direction of Grace.

Others, due to years of “hard times” might feel they have little to be Grateful for and have been knocked down so many times they just cannot get up. The idea of Resilience and Authenticity might be a stretch. Being Creative in a time of crisis may seem impossible. And some will wrongly believe that Empathy just doesn’t matter.

Read Grieve With Grace™ then join The Grace Initiative. If you are currently a grief counselor, social worker, therapist, or medical professional, we would love to hear from you.

Our mission is to train and field 10,000 Grace Counselors this year.

Please send us a quick note with your contact information and online profile.

God Bless,
Eric R. Haas, President

We’d Love to Hear From You

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