To Live With Grace means you live and love with an Attitude of Gratitude. To recover from loss and grief — or to turn your Time, Talent, and Treasure into Legendary Wealth – you become all you are meant to be when you choose to be actively appreciative.
Definition: Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness toward the world or specific individuals. The person who feels gratitude is thankful for who and what they have in their lives. The quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Grace Within Grace
"Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what...
I’m Not an Artist!
Creativity takes courage.~ Henri Matisse For many of us, we limit the concept of creativity to the arts: painting, drawing, writing, music, dance, and such. It’s true these activities require creativity. But there is another aspect of creativity: creative thought. ...
Evil, Shock, Trauma, Grief, Grace
"Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence. The effects of unresolved trauma can be devastating. It can affect our habits and outlook on life, leading to addictions and poor decision-making. It can take a toll on our family life and...
The Real You
Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world. ~ Adam Grant Being you, in an authentic manner, can be difficult when your world has been overturned. When we are first in grief, our brains are...
Love With Grace™: The Door Beyond the Grave
"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses." ~ Ann Landers Love doesn't stop at...
Hope to Hope
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." ~ Epicurus "When you lose hope, find a new hope..." I wrote that on a sticky note about a year ago. Needing some tax info, I found...
Zoom Conference ~ 2/15/23
"Grace, respect, reserve, and empathetic listening are qualities sorely missing from the public discourse now." ~ Meryl Streep Wednesday's Creative Session... We had a wonderful time explaining, in a lot of detail, what it means to Grieve With Grace™... and why the...
Zoom Conference ~ 2/8/23
"I probably wouldn't do anything differently if I had to do it again. Every little thing that happens to you, good and bad, becomes a little piece of the puzzle of who you become. Every successful person you read about - Warren Buffett, Bill Gates — they all say...
A Word of Grace From Cindy
"Mom was so funny and loving to us kids. She was our first audience. When my dad died, I was suddenly alone in the house with her because my two older brothers were away at college. I was the man of the house, and she was the grieving woman." ~ Billy Crystal A thought...
Love With Grace: The Future
"The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy." ~...
Grief-Stricken vs. Grace-Stricken
You Are Just…
Grief-stricken and everything will be ok…
Over time you will feel better and not hurt so much…
You just need to get over it and snapback…
If you have experienced a great loss you have heard these words. Maybe not exactly the same words but the same meaning and intent.
People, especially those close to you, have no idea what to say to help, so they express their feelings in odd ways. Usually with what they think you want to hear.
The Power of Gratitude
A Thought On Thankfulness... For some, the notion of gratitude and thankfulness is embedded into their being. They have no other way of living except to be grateful for who they are and what they have. Some see gratitude in more of an abstract way — they understand...
Bridging The River of Grief
Throughout my new book, you see we always have a choice between a positive or negative emotion.
We choose to be gloomy or grateful.
We choose to be pessimistic or proactive.
We choose, even when we don’t realize it, Regrets and Remorse vs. Grace.
What I have found is that most people in grief counseling accept…
Grief Made Graceful
For those of you who have read this, my 27th book, you will understand how we always have a choice between a positive and a negative. You can either be sad or you can be happy — but you cannot be sad and happy at the same time.
It is up to you to choose the positive and reject the negative.
When you lose someone you love, you quickly see that the continuum between mourning and grieving is blurry.
A Word About Our Cover…
This book, especially the cover, saved my life.
You will see the traditional memorial candle with flame turning into the smoke that represents the spirit manifesting itself as a woman rising from death in the real world, to live in the spirit world.
I wrote this book to save me years in the prison of grief… and to help the world see there is a clear alternative: Grace.
Grief-Stricken vs. Grace-Stricken
You Are Just…
Grief-stricken and everything will be ok…
Over time you will feel better and not hurt so much…
You just need to get over it and snapback…
If you have experienced a great loss you have heard these words. Maybe not exactly the same words but the same meaning and intent.
People, especially those close to you, have no idea what to say to help, so they express their feelings in odd ways. Usually with what they think you want to hear.
The True Power of Resilience
Life, even for the strongest of us is hard. Sometimes brutal.
We have success. We have setbacks.
We must push through to whatever goalposts we created for our lives.
“When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realize that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.” ~ A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
We will be knocked down. Not if, but when.
And usually when we expect it least.
Resilience: The Power to Move Forward
Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress—such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors. The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
First, let me be clear. Resilient is not something you do, it is something you are, or in my case, become much more aware of — who I needed to become to stop my steady slide into oblivion and perhaps, a very short life expectancy.
Science has proven that “broken heart syndrome” is very real.
You can die of a broken heart if you permit grief to overtake Grace,
A Word About Our Cover…
This book, especially the cover, saved my life.
You will see the traditional memorial candle with flame turning into the smoke that represents the spirit manifesting itself as a woman rising from death in the real world, to live in the spirit world.
I wrote this book to save me years in the prison of grief… and to help the world see there is a clear alternative: Grace.
Grief-Stricken vs. Grace-Stricken
You Are Just…
Grief-stricken and everything will be ok…
Over time you will feel better and not hurt so much…
You just need to get over it and snapback…
If you have experienced a great loss you have heard these words. Maybe not exactly the same words but the same meaning and intent.
People, especially those close to you, have no idea what to say to help, so they express their feelings in odd ways. Usually with what they think you want to hear.
The Power of Authenticity
The Power Authenticity Has Over Your Life…
Psychologists define Authenticity as someone who isn’t afraid to be true to who they are, including their personality, values, and principles in life. They don’t bother compromising the entirety of who they are just for the comfort of others.
If you need to cry, you cry.
If you need to shelter yourself, you do it.
You never betray your core values in hopes of being accepted rather than being authentic.
When happy, sad, or when moving from grief to Grace.
A Word About Our Cover…
This book, especially the cover, saved my life.
You will see the traditional memorial candle with flame turning into the smoke that represents the spirit manifesting itself as a woman rising from death in the real world, to live in the spirit world.
I wrote this book to save me years in the prison of grief… and to help the world see there is a clear alternative: Grace.
The Power of Creativity
Sad, Depressed, Unhappy?
Maybe you need to get very creative to add this giant stone to your bridge of Grace.
Many people mistakenly believe that they are creative or not.
They are wrong.
Every person is born creative but sometimes, our creativity gets washed down the drain, diluted, or we start to believe that our circumstances are greater than we are.
The big idea is for you to recognize your situation, maybe get help, and start to exercise your God-given creativity.
Of course, I cover this in my story but this is important so I want to amplify my points here.
Grief-Stricken vs. Grace-Stricken
You Are Just…
Grief-stricken and everything will be ok…
Over time you will feel better and not hurt so much…
You just need to get over it and snapback…
If you have experienced a great loss you have heard these words. Maybe not exactly the same words but the same meaning and intent.
People, especially those close to you, have no idea what to say to help, so they express their feelings in odd ways. Usually with what they think you want to hear.
Grief Made Graceful
For those of you who have read this, my 27th book, you will understand how we always have a choice between a positive and a negative. You can either be sad or you can be happy — but you cannot be sad and happy at the same time.
It is up to you to choose the positive and reject the negative.
When you lose someone you love, you quickly see that the continuum between mourning and grieving is blurry.
A Word About Our Cover…
This book, especially the cover, saved my life.
You will see the traditional memorial candle with flame turning into the smoke that represents the spirit manifesting itself as a woman rising from death in the real world, to live in the spirit world.
I wrote this book to save me years in the prison of grief… and to help the world see there is a clear alternative: Grace.
Resiliently Grateful
"Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good." ~ Elizabeth Edwards...
Natural Gratitude
"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero Are You Naturally Grateful? For too many years to count, I have noticed there are two kinds of people... Naturally grateful... And those of us who have to work...
Gratitude: More Than a Feeling
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements." ~ Napoleon Hill This Morning... The picture above is from my view across our golf course to Mount San Jacinto. Snow at the top, emerald green...