Grace Counselor Leadership Resource-32

A Moment of Grace
Empathy Day 3

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Mission: Building a bridge of Grace over my river of tears. Today, let’s focus on your fifth Archstone… 

Click the Stone to go to Empathy Resources.

1—Take a breath, calm your thoughts, then THINK about this quote…

“My father is someone I’ve always looked up to as the ultimate example of chivalry and humility, and someone who’s just deeply kind and empathetic and selfless.” ~ Alexander Gilkes

  Or this scripture passage…

“Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 (NLT) 

2—Now, add to your Values List*…

Choose the best word that comes closest to what you value most. Write it on your list…

Giving • Wisdom • Respect • Growth • Stewardship

3—Write this in your own hand—large & bold. Fold neatly/wad into a ball. Touch/squeeze it every time you get anxious. Tonight, file away for later.

My Love…
Is to be shared

AWARENESS: My life flows into your life like waves on the sea of change. Empathy is my hope and my stability.

God Bless,
Eric Richard Haas, Author


The Healing Power of Empathy:
The power to love and be loved again.


We build our bridge of Grace a stone at a time:
Gratitude, Resilience, Authenticity, Creativity, Empathy