Grace Counselor Leadership Resource-1

A Moment of Grace
Starter Message

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We are happy you have taken this giant first step to move beyond the clutches of grief and that terrible sense of loss.

We understand how difficult it is to just find your balance, let alone try to get back on your feet.

To speed up your healing, we have created 5 simple to understand weeks where you go from the “big picture” down to “your life” quickly and easily.

  • You read bite-sized ideas for action each day…
  • Follow the daily instructions to put our ideas into action…
  • In the end, you will find the healing power of Grace.

In the next 35 days, you will build a bridge of grace over your river of tears.

To prepare you better for what’s ahead, we suggest you carefully review this short introduction below. If you are a paid member, you have full access to all the resources you will need on our website.

Your ebook is instantly available in the Download Center. We highly recommended you read it soon. The 7-hour Audiobook is immediately downloadable, as is the complete system if you have purchased them. If you like paper, you may order the full-color printed edition, but it can take some 10-14 days to receive.

The Syllabus for your program will be found here… 

Click the Stones to go to the Grace Syllabus Resources.

1—Think for a moment about this quote…

Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.” ~ Bradley Whitford

  Or this scripture passage…

“The doctrine of grace stands at the center of the Bible. It is the theme that connects every book and the thread that winds through every verse. In the original Old Testament language, grace comes from a word meaning “lovingkindness,” which is often used to describe the Lord’s character. God’s grace flows from the essence of his being: “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6, ESV).

In the New Testament, grace is translated from a term meaning “divine favor,”  “goodwill,” “that which gives joy,” and “that which is a free gift.” Grace is the undeserved gift of God. The greatest of God’s gifts of grace is His Son, Jesus Christ.

2—Now, make your Values List*…

Grab a sheet of paper. You will want to keep this list with you at all times. Over the next 42 days, we will ask you to add words to your list and scratch off words that aren’t as “valuable” to you. This is a key action that will help you in ways you cannot yet begin to imagine. It is a key idea of ACT (Acceptance & Commitment) Therapy, a good way to help you Accept your loss and then, Accept responsibility for moving forward with the life you love.

Keep it simple. Freeflow what, right now, you believe are your most important values—words you currently live by (or aspirational, want to experience). Open a file on your tablet, phone, or computer—or do what I do, keep an old-fashioned sheet of paper folded up to fit in my wallet. Each day you will receive a new shortlist of value words. We want you to choose the ONE that connects with you the most and write it on your list. SIMPLE!

After years of Authentic soul-searching, mine are as follows. I not only am willing to live for these words, but I am also willing to spend the only life I have to live pursuing them… fully willing to die for them each day…

Freedom • Beauty • Curiosity • Loyalty • Risk • Giving/Teaching • Luxury • Love • Spirituality • Wealth • Complexity • Compassion • Adventure

3—Finally, with the above in mind, recite this phrase 3 times today…


Grateful for all I have…
Resilient and strong…
Authentic and real…
Creative and…


AWARENESS: Sometime today, please take a moment to think about your life… what you lost… and where you might go… what you might like to do… who you must become now. Every person on my team has suffered a great loss and found strength in Grace. We are your brothers and sisters in your fight to reclaim your life—a life worth living—much sooner than you might expect.

God Bless,
Eric Richard Haas, Author

Important Resource: We suggest the client to use the following pages to physically assemble their bridge in real life! You will note that this is a numbered PDF where when laid out from left to right shows their 35 day journey in a 5×7 grid… 5 stones over 7 days = 35!

My idea is to simply take a sheet, write down the text, wad it up and carry it with you each day. Feel it, squeeze it, touch it. Kent, however, thinks it should be neatly filed in a folder then, on the 35th day, neatly lay out the bridge.

Either way works! Here is the PDF: GWG Scratch Pad2


The Healing Power of Grace:
The power to love and be loved again.

We build our bridge of Grace a stone at a time:
Gratitude, Resilience, Authenticity, Creativity, Empathy