“Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness.” ~ Anne Frank
Is it a house or a home you are pursuing?
It is time to “cut to the chase” — what are you chasing after?
Many of us equate power with the size of our home.
Someone built the mansion above. All I see is an employment and maintenance nightmare!
Many want off the square footage escalator the moment taxes go up, they lose their personal chef and 4 maids, 6 groundskeepers, handymen… and the massive mortgage payments necessary to keep the beast alive!
You wake up one morning wondering what life would be like ANYWHERE but here!
But, if that is your dream, then go for it!
Been there, done that, but now, this is the dreamscape I am chasing.
The vision is NO maintenance, no headaches, beautiful sunrises over my pond and big views of my surrounding mountains.
Either way, a cabin or a mansion, the key is to KNOW what you are investing for, working toward, and the big WHY.
Always remember, you can spend your time and talent creating treasure.
But you cannot convert your talent and treasure into more time!
Every man and woman has been blessed with exactly the same 24 hours each day, 1,440 minutes to get everything we want out of life.
There is no greater waste of time and life than pursuing something you do not want in the first place! Or won’t make you happy on your journey to Legacy.
Stop right now and make a mental list of what you WANT and are willing to DIE for..
The fact is that none of us are getting out of this life alive… we are all slowly dying a day at a time.
The key is to KNOW what you are dying for!
Get my book, and learn how to speed your progress from rags to riches on your road to legacy!
I coined the term, “Money With Meaning” to reduce this entire book… indeed the entire Invest With Grace initiative down to our universal promise: Read this book >> attend the 4 Zoom conferences >> you will KNOW, with absolute certainty, exactly what you must do to achieve all your hopes and dreams. Click cover to sign up risk-free!
Higher Achievement = Knowing What You Want…
As you walk the path to your destiny, why not take the advice from people who walked before you?
Why not take the easy way?
Why make it hard on yourself?
Why not invest a few bucks — at MY risk — and join us?
We have now entered the survival of the smartest global economy. With the right tools and coaching you will THRIVE.
Sadly, you can choose to walk the path alone. Knowing what we know, that may well be the worst decision you have ever made.
At every point in time, we can change course, choose a different path, and earn our legacy.
Please join our next group and learn how to turn your Time, Talent, and Treasure into Legendary Wealth… to stand tall where you are now… and choose the path to a life of unimaginable riches.
It’s YOUR turn to unlock the treasures that await your travels on the Yellow Brick Road to Legacy!